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BidNEMO, the all new reverse as well as forward bidding portal, is a platform for the buyers and suppliers to meet. BidNEMO operates from Kolkata.


In a bid to know BidNEMO a little better, let’s dig into some facts related to the creation of this website. In the early phase of 2012, BidNEMO was conceived to provide a platform for people needing the best deal on a wide variety of products by establishing their own price proposition. The conventional way of purchases was changed when this portal came into existence.

BidNEMO is a platform where buyers have advantage. They can choose to pay for products and/or services according to their requirements and budget. We have also strived to provide sellers the benefit of having real customers with serious buying intention. This clarity on both sides is what BidNEMO primarily stands for.

We are an e-Tendering service provider, with a firm belief that a price can be reached by both parties involved in a deal (i.e. the buyer and the seller) where supply and demand can match with realistic market driven price. We provide you access to find and reach the best vendor/seller for your particular needs.

The portal has countless categories. We pay extreme importance to your time. You can deal much quicker with us than in any other online e marketplace. You can browse and choose from latest active tenders and thus save time, money and effort.

BidNEMO is a venture from Rashmi Group.